Consultation Services

Fill out and submit the below digital form or click here for the printable form.

  • Consultation Services

  • Insurance and any applicable deductions and copays will cover services provided during therapy sessions. However, a request for advice, consultation, or communication outside of therapy appointments is not covered. Clients may request telephone consultation or request that the clinician communicates with other professionals such as school personnel, courts, therapists, physicians, etc. If the court subpoenas my clinician regarding services provided for my and/or my child, I will be charged for that service. The minimum charge is $500. Each hour over 4 hours will be charged at an additional $100 per hour. Cancellation/rescheduling court testimony without providing 48-hour notice will result in forfeiture of the $500 retaining fee.

    The cost of consultation outside of therapy times is $25 for any part of a quarter of an hour (15 minutes). Telephone consultation less than 15 minutes is complimentary. Consultation over 15 minutes will be charged $25 for every additional 15 minutes (0-15 minutes = $0, 15-30 minutes = $25, 30-45 minutes = $50, etc.)

    If I make the request for these types of services, or my clinician is subpoenaed to court on my or my child’s behalf, I understand that I will be responsible for the fees charged, as stated above.

  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY